The most popular technique for dimensionality reduction in machine learning is Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). This is a technique that comes from the field of linear algebra and can be used as a data preparation technique to create a projection of a sparse dataset prior to fitting a model.
In this tutorial, you will discover how to use SVD for dimensionality reduction when developing predictive models. After completing this tutorial, you will know:
- SVD is a technique from linear algebra that can be used to automatically perform dimensionality reduction.
- How to evaluate predictive models that use an SVD projection as input and make predictions with new raw data.
This tutorial is divided into three parts; they are:
- Dimensionality Reduction and SVD
- SVD Scikit-Learn API
- Worked Example of SVD for Dimensionality
A. Dimensionality Reduction and SVD
Singular Value Decomposition, or SVD, might be the most popular technique for dimensionality reduction when data is sparse.
Sparse data refers to rows of data where many of the values are zero.
This is often the case in some problem domains like recommender systems where a user has a rating for very few movies or songs in the database and zero ratings for all other cases.
Another common example is a bag-of-words model of a text document, where the document has a count or frequency for some words and most words have a 0 value.
Examples of sparse data appropriate for applying SVD for dimensionality reduction:
- Recommender Systems
- Customer-Product purchases
- User-Song Listen Counts
- User-Movie Ratings
- Text Classification
- One Hot Encoding
- Bag-of-Words Counts
SVD can be thought of as a projection method where data with m-columns (features) is projected into a subspace with m or fewer columns, whilst retaining the essence of the original data.
The SVD is used widely both in the calculation of other matrix operations, such as matrix inverse, but also as a data reduction method in machine learning.
B. SVD Scikit-Learn API
We can use SVD to calculate a projection of a dataset and select a number of dimensions or principal components of the projection to use as input to a model.
The scikit-learn library provides the TruncatedSVD class that can be fit on a dataset and used to transform a training dataset and any additional dataset in the future.
data = ...
# define transform
svd = TruncatedSVD()
# prepare transform on dataset
# apply transform to dataset
transformed = svd.transform(data)
data = ...
# define transform
svd = TruncatedSVD()
# prepare transform on dataset
# apply transform to dataset
transformed = svd.transform(data)
The outputs of the SVD can be used as input to train a model.
# define the pipeline
steps = [('svd', TruncatedSVD()), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
model = Pipeline(steps=steps)
# define the pipeline
steps = [('svd', TruncatedSVD()), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
model = Pipeline(steps=steps)
It can also be a good idea to normalize data prior to performing the SVD transform if the input variables have differing units or scales.
# define the pipeline
steps = [('norm', MinMaxScaler()), ('svd', TruncatedSVD()), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
model = Pipeline(steps=steps)
# define the pipeline
steps = [('norm', MinMaxScaler()), ('svd', TruncatedSVD()), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
model = Pipeline(steps=steps)
C. Worked Example of SVD for Dimensionality
SVD is typically used on sparse data. This includes data for a recommender system or a bag-of-words model for text. If the data is dense, then it is better to use the PCA method.
# evaluate svd with logistic regression algorithm for classification
from numpy import mean
from numpy import std
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# define dataset
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_informative=15, n_redundant=5,
# define the pipeline
steps = [('svd', TruncatedSVD(n_components=10)), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
model = Pipeline(steps=steps)
# evaluate model
cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, n_repeats=3, random_state=1)
n_scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, scoring='accuracy', cv=cv, n_jobs=-1)
# report performance
print('Accuracy: %.3f (%.3f)' % (mean(n_scores), std(n_scores)))
from numpy import mean
from numpy import std
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# define dataset
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_informative=15, n_redundant=5,
# define the pipeline
steps = [('svd', TruncatedSVD(n_components=10)), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
model = Pipeline(steps=steps)
# evaluate model
cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, n_repeats=3, random_state=1)
n_scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, scoring='accuracy', cv=cv, n_jobs=-1)
# report performance
print('Accuracy: %.3f (%.3f)' % (mean(n_scores), std(n_scores)))
Accuracy: 0.814 (0.034)
How do we know that reducing 20 dimensions of input down to 10 is good or the best we can do? We don’t; 10 was an arbitrary choice.
A better approach is to evaluate the same transform and model with different numbers of input features and choose the number of features (amount of dimensionality reduction) that results in the best average performance.
# compare svd number of components with logistic regression algorithm for classification
from numpy import mean
from numpy import std
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from matplotlib import pyplot
# get the dataset
def get_dataset():
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_informative=15, n_redundant=5, random_state=7)
return X, y
# get a list of models to evaluate
def get_models():
models = dict()
for i in range(1,20):
steps = [('svd', TruncatedSVD(n_components=i)), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
models[str(i)] = Pipeline(steps=steps)
return models
from numpy import mean
from numpy import std
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from matplotlib import pyplot
# get the dataset
def get_dataset():
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_informative=15, n_redundant=5, random_state=7)
return X, y
# get a list of models to evaluate
def get_models():
models = dict()
for i in range(1,20):
steps = [('svd', TruncatedSVD(n_components=i)), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
models[str(i)] = Pipeline(steps=steps)
return models
# evaluate a given model using cross-validation
def evaluate_model(model, X, y):
cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, n_repeats=3, random_state=1)
scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, scoring='accuracy', cv=cv, n_jobs=-1)
return scores
def evaluate_model(model, X, y):
cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, n_repeats=3, random_state=1)
scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, scoring='accuracy', cv=cv, n_jobs=-1)
return scores
# define dataset
X, y = get_dataset()
# get the models to evaluate
models = get_models()
# evaluate the models and store results
results, names = list(), list()
for name, model in models.items():
scores = evaluate_model(model, X, y)
print('>%s %.3f (%.3f)' % (name, mean(scores), std(scores)))
# plot model performance for comparison
pyplot.boxplot(results, labels=names, showmeans=True)
X, y = get_dataset()
# get the models to evaluate
models = get_models()
# evaluate the models and store results
results, names = list(), list()
for name, model in models.items():
scores = evaluate_model(model, X, y)
print('>%s %.3f (%.3f)' % (name, mean(scores), std(scores)))
# plot model performance for comparison
pyplot.boxplot(results, labels=names, showmeans=True)
>1 0.542 (0.046)
>2 0.626 (0.050)
>3 0.719 (0.053)
>4 0.722 (0.052)
>5 0.721 (0.054)
>6 0.729 (0.045)
>7 0.802 (0.034)
>8 0.800 (0.040)
>9 0.814 (0.037)
>10 0.814 (0.034)
>11 0.817 (0.037)
>12 0.820 (0.038)
>13 0.820 (0.036)
>14 0.825 (0.036)
>15 0.865 (0.027)
>16 0.865 (0.027)
>17 0.865 (0.027)
>18 0.865 (0.027)
>19 0.865 (0.027)
>2 0.626 (0.050)
>3 0.719 (0.053)
>4 0.722 (0.052)
>5 0.721 (0.054)
>6 0.729 (0.045)
>7 0.802 (0.034)
>8 0.800 (0.040)
>9 0.814 (0.037)
>10 0.814 (0.034)
>11 0.817 (0.037)
>12 0.820 (0.038)
>13 0.820 (0.036)
>14 0.825 (0.036)
>15 0.865 (0.027)
>16 0.865 (0.027)
>17 0.865 (0.027)
>18 0.865 (0.027)
>19 0.865 (0.027)
Interestingly, we don’t see any improvement beyond 15 components. This matches our definition of the problem where only the first 15 components contain information about the class and the remaining five are redundant.
Box Plot of SVD Number of Components vs. Classification Accuracy
We may choose to use an SVD transform and logistic regression model combination as our final model. This involves fitting the Pipeline on all available data and using the pipeline to make predictions on new data.
Importantly, the same transform must be performed on this new data, which is handled automatically via the Pipeline.
# make predictions using svd with logistic regression
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# define dataset
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_informative=15, n_redundant=5,
# define the model
steps = [('svd', TruncatedSVD(n_components=15)), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
model = Pipeline(steps=steps)
# fit the model on the whole dataset, y)
# make a single prediction
row = [[0.2929949, -4.21223056, -1.288332, -2.17849815, -0.64527665, 2.58097719,
0.28422388, -7.1827928, -1.91211104, 2.73729512, 0.81395695, 3.96973717, -2.66939799,
3.34692332, 4.19791821, 0.99990998, -0.30201875, -4.43170633, -2.82646737, 0.44916808]]
yhat = model.predict(row)
print('Predicted Class: %d' % yhat[0])
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# define dataset
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_informative=15, n_redundant=5,
# define the model
steps = [('svd', TruncatedSVD(n_components=15)), ('m', LogisticRegression())]
model = Pipeline(steps=steps)
# fit the model on the whole dataset, y)
# make a single prediction
row = [[0.2929949, -4.21223056, -1.288332, -2.17849815, -0.64527665, 2.58097719,
0.28422388, -7.1827928, -1.91211104, 2.73729512, 0.81395695, 3.96973717, -2.66939799,
3.34692332, 4.19791821, 0.99990998, -0.30201875, -4.43170633, -2.82646737, 0.44916808]]
yhat = model.predict(row)
print('Predicted Class: %d' % yhat[0])
Predicted Class: 1
Here, the transform uses the 15 most important components from the SVD transform, as we found from testing above.
A new row of data with 20 columns is provided and is automatically transformed to 15 components and fed to the logistic regression model in order to predict the class label.
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